Past tense

  • SIMPLE PAST TENSE:it is used to represent.                                                                            
  • 1) completed actions with time reference.
  • 2)past habitual actions
  • 3)if there are phrases like 'as if', 'as though','it's time' in a sentence.                                                                                           
  • Verb form: V2
  • Negative verb form:did+not+v1.                                                                               
  • Example:1)I met (meet) her last night.
  • 2)It's time,we started(start).                                                            
  • Hints to identify the tense:ago,back, yesterday, last night, previous+time,then,at that time etc.                                     *****                                            
  • PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE:it is used to represent.                                                                     
  • Action which continued for sometime in the past.                                                              
  • Verb form:was+v1+ing(I/He/she/it).                                                          were+v1+ ing(we/you/they)
  • Negative verbform:was/were+not+v1+ing.                                                                                                     
  • Example:1)when I was coming (come) to college,I met my old friend.
  • 2)while she was writing,she heard (hear) a loud sound.                                                        
  • Hints to identify the tense:when/while+2verbs(simple past,past continuous).             *****        
  • PAST PERFECT TENSE:it is used to represent.                                                                                
  • 1)when there are two completed actions the first completed action between the two is indicated in this tense
  • 2)the national or international events when the exact time interval is known.
  • 3)to indicate past possession.                                                     
  • Verbform:had+v3
  • Negative verb form:had+not+v3.                                                                            
  • Example:1)He had taken (take) his breakfast before he went out.  
  • 2)when I went to the station,the train had already left (already,leave).                                                                   
  • Hints to identify the tense:before, already+v2,after.                              *****
  • PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE:it is used to represent.                                                     
  • An action which started before a point of time in the past and continued till that time.                                                                                                
  • Verb form:had+been+v1+ing.   
  • Negative verb form:had+not+been+v1+ing.                                                    
  • Example: 1)I knew that she had been waiting (wait) for 2hours.
  • 2)He said that he had been learning (learn) french since his childhood.                                                                                 
  • Hints to identify the tense: For/since+time.                                                                                                                                          NEXT  FOUR TENSES ARE PROVIDED IN NEXT BLOG.

present tense
past tense
future tense
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